Attracting Customers with a Seamless Journey: Customer Engagement from Awareness to Advocacy

Embarking on the customers’ journey is a transformative process wherein individuals transition from potential consumers to devoted advocates for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies; actively shepherding customers through each phase is imperative. Addressing potential roadblocks at various points not only boosts sales but also fortifies market presence, securing a competitive advantage.

Companies must delineate a nuanced customers’ journey to comprehend this intricate process fully. This involves seamlessly aligning touchpoints with the distinct stages of customers’ progression. Are you curious about the stages customers navigate and eager to facilitate their evolution into loyal patrons? 

Imagine this: a prospective consumer sets forth on their journey, progressing through awareness, consideration, and decision-making phases before attaining the coveted status of a customer. Challenges may surface at any juncture, impeding progress. Wondering what steps to take when customers encounter obstacles? This article unveils strategies for adeptly navigating these hurdles.


Customers’ journey, your tool to attract consumers

The customers’ journey can be conceptualised in various ways, but a common framework includes the following stages:

Let’s explore each stage of the customers journey for FMCG companies from the perspective of customers – how they feel and what they do at each stage:


  • Customer Feelings: Customers may feel curious or intrigued when they first come across the FMCG brand. The initial exposure through ads or in-store displays sparks interest and prompts them to learn more.
  • Customer Actions:
    • Online Exploration: Customers may actively search for the brand online, visiting the website and social media pages to gather more information.
    • Word of Mouth: Conversations with friends or family about the brand may shape their perception.


  • Customer Feelings: As customers learn more, they start weighing the benefits and features of the FMCG brand against others. They may experience a sense of comparison and evaluation.
  • Customer Actions:
    • Research: Customers delve deeper into product details, reading reviews and seeking recommendations to make an informed decision.
    • Interaction: Engaging with the brand through social media or interactive content may strengthen the emotional connection.


  • Customer Feelings: Customers may feel a mix of excitement and satisfaction as they decide to make a purchase. The experience of acquiring a product they’ve considered is a moment of fulfilment.
  • Customer Actions:
    • Transaction: Whether in-store or online, customers complete the purchase, taking advantage of any promotions or discounts available.
    • Immediate Gratification: Acquiring the product provides a sense of immediate gratification.


  • Customer Feelings: Post-purchase, customers seek reassurance and satisfaction. They may feel a sense of loyalty and trust if the product meets or exceeds expectations consistently.
  • Customer Actions:
    • Repeat Purchases: Satisfied customers will likely make repeat purchases, driven by the positive experience and product reliability.
    • Engagement: Participation in loyalty programs or personalized communications enhances the feeling of being valued.


  • Customer Feelings: Advocates experience a heightened sense of connection and pride in being associated with the brand. They may feel compelled to share their positive experiences.
  • Customer Actions:
    • Social Sharing: Advocates willingly share their experiences on social media, contributing to positive word-of-mouth marketing.
    • Referrals: Actively recommending the brand to friends or family, sometimes driven by the desire to share a positive find.
    • Community Involvement: Engaging in brand communities or forums fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens advocacy.

Why is customers’ journey important for FMCG companies?

  1.  Understanding Consumer Behaviour:
    • The customer journey helps FMCG companies understand how consumers discover, evaluate, and purchase their products. This insight is vital for effective marketing and sales strategies.
  1.  Tailoring Marketing Strategies:
    • By mapping the customer journey, FMCG companies can tailor their marketing efforts to align with consumer behaviours at different stages. This ensures more targeted and impactful campaigns.
  1.  Optimizing Touchpoints:
    • Identifying touchpoints in the customer journey allows FMCG companies to optimize each interaction, creating a seamless and positive experience. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  1.  Addressing Pain Points:
    • The customers’ journey highlights potential pain points or challenges consumers may face. FMCG companies can address these issues to improve overall customer satisfaction and retention.
  1.  Enhancing Product Development:
    • Insights from the customer journey can inform product development, helping FMCG companies create offerings that better meet consumer needs and preferences.
  1.  Building Brand Loyalty:
    • Understanding the post-purchase stages in the customer journey allows FMCG companies to focus on customer retention and loyalty. Satisfied customers are more likely to become brand advocates.
  1.  Agile Adaptation:
    • The customers’ journey provides a dynamic framework that allows FMCG companies to adapt to changing consumer behaviours and market trends. This agility is crucial in the fast-paced FMCG industry.
  1.  Cross-Functional Collaboration:
    • Creating a shared understanding of the customers’ journey fosters collaboration across different departments within an FMCG company. Teams can work together to enhance the overall customer experience.
  1.  Data-Driven Decision Making:
    • By analysing data related to the customers’ journey, FMCG companies can make informed decisions based on customer preferences, behaviours, and feedback.
  1. Competitive Advantage:
    • Companies that effectively map and optimize the customers’ journey gain a competitive advantage by providing a superior and more personalized customer experience.


In summary, the customers’ journey is instrumental for FMCG companies as it guides strategic decision-making, enables targeted marketing efforts, and fosters a customer-centric approach that ultimately contributes to business success.

Monitoring and Understanding the Customer Journey for FMCG Companies:

Monitoring consumers is very important to see at which stage the general consumers are and where there is a bulk of them so that the companies can take action to move them to the next stage.


Advanced Analytics:

    • Use advanced analytics tools to track customer behaviour on websites and social media platforms.
    • Monitor time spent on product pages, interaction with content, and frequency of visits for insights into consideration levels.

Customer Surveys:

    • Conduct surveys to understand customer preferences and considerations, shaping marketing strategies.
    • Analyse responses to identify critical factors influencing purchase decisions.


Sales Data Analysis:

    • Analyse online, in-store or receipt processing sales data for information on conversion rates and popular products.
    • Identify patterns in purchasing behaviour to optimize inventory and marketing efforts.

Transaction Records:

    • Track individual transaction records, especially for online purchases, to understand specific products chosen and the accompanying purchase journey.


Customer Loyalty Programs:

    • Monitor participation in loyalty programs to gain insights into customer retention levels.
    • Analyse redemption rates and frequency of repeat purchases to gauge the success of retention strategies.

Customer Support Interactions:

    • Track interactions with customer support to gain insights into post-purchase satisfaction and potential issues.
    • Analyse feedback and resolve concerns promptly to contribute to customer loyalty.

Integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

  • Implement a comprehensive CRM system to consolidate customer data.
  • Gain a holistic view of the customers’ journey by combining data from various touchpoints.

Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics:

  • Leverage machine learning and predictive analytics to forecast customer behaviour.
  • Analyse historical data to identify trends, allowing for proactive adjustments to marketing and sales strategies.


By integrating these monitoring strategies, FMCG companies can better understand each customer’s journey. This data-driven approach enables the creation of personalised and targeted experiences, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and fostering brand loyalty.

What can FMCG companies do if consumers get stuck in a particular phase

If consumers get stuck at a particular phase of the customers’ journey, FMCG companies can take specific actions to re-engage and guide them through the process. Here’s a breakdown for each phase:

Stuck in Consideration:

Personalised Recommendations:

    • Utilise data analytics to provide personalised product recommendations based on customer preferences.
    • Implement recommendation engines on websites and apps to guide customers through relevant options.

Interactive Content:

    • Develop interactive content such as quizzes or product comparisons to assist customers in making informed decisions.
    • Use social media platforms for live Q&A sessions or product demonstrations.

Stuck in Purchase:

 Incentives and Promotions:

    • Introduce limited-time promotions, discounts, or bundled offers to encourage immediate action.
    • Implement loyalty programs that provide exclusive benefits for making a purchase

Streamlined Checkout Process:

    • Ensure a seamless and user-friendly online checkout process to minimize friction.
    • Simplify navigation on e-commerce platforms to enhance the overall shopping experience.

Stuck in Retention:

Personalised Communication:

    • Send personalised communication, such as targeted offers or product recommendations, to maintain engagement.
    • Implement a customer feedback system to address concerns promptly and improve post-purchase experiences.

Exclusive Access:

    • Offer exclusive access to new products, services, or events for loyal customers.
    • Provide early access to promotions or sales as a gesture of appreciation.

 Overall Strategies:

Customer Journey Mapping:

    • Reassess and refine the customer journey map to identify potential bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
    • Use feedback from stuck customers to make data-driven adjustments.

 Omnichannel Approach:

    • Implement an omnichannel approach to provide a seamless experience across various touchpoints.
    • Ensure consistency in messaging and branding to reinforce trust and recognition.


By implementing these strategies, FMCG companies can address challenges at each customer journey stage and actively guide consumers toward conversion and advocacy. Regularly monitoring and adapting these approaches will contribute to a more dynamic and customer-centric marketing strategy.


What is a customers’ journey map and how is it drawn?

 A customers’ journey map visually represents the customer’s experience with a brand or product across various touchpoints and over time. It illustrates the customer’s interactions, emotions, and perceptions at each journey stage, from the initial awareness of a product or service to post-purchase support.


The purpose of creating a customers’ journey map is to gain a deeper understanding of the customer’s perspective, identify pain points and opportunities for improvement, and ultimately enhance the overall customer experience. It helps businesses align their processes, marketing strategies, and customer service efforts with the needs and expectations of their customers.


To draw a customers’ journey map, follow these steps:

  1. Define the Customer Persona: Start by understanding your target customer. Define their demographics, needs, and pain points.
  2. Identify Touchpoints: List all customer interactions with your brand, from initial awareness to post-purchase support.
  3. Plot the Journey Stages: Divide the customer journey into stages (e.g., awareness, consideration, purchase, retention) and plot the touchpoints at each stage.
  4. Add Emotions and Thoughts: Consider the customer’s emotions, thoughts, and pain points at each touchpoint. This helps to understand their experience.
  5. Analyse and Improve: Once the map is complete, analyse it to identify pain points and areas for improvement in the customer experience.


Remember, customers’ journey map aims to understand and improve the customer’s experience at every stage.